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Operative & Clinical Assessment Forms

The American Board of Surgery (ABS) requires that all surgery residents have a total of 6 clinical and 6 operative assessments documented by the end of their residency training. Over the next few years, we expect this requirement will steadily increase.

Therefore, General Surgery residents are expected to complete at least 2 operative assessments per month-long rotation, in addition to at least 2 clinical assessments per year. The purpose of these evaluation tools is two-fold:

1. To fulfill the American Board of Surgery (ABS) requirements by the end of residency training.

2. To provide residents with timely and specific feedback on technical and clinical skills on a regular basis. This formative feedback is designed to help residents improve. Ideally, the evaluation process will facilitate a conversation between the resident and faculty on how the resident's skills are progressing and how to make specific improvements. 

Online Assessment Forms

The links below lead to mobile Technical and Clinical Skills Assessment Forms, which can be completed on any internet connected computer or device. The UCSF Technical Skills Assessment Form (TechSAF) can be used to assess any procedure--the appropriate procedure is selected during the first portion of the form. These evaluations are meant to be resident-initiated. It is up to the resident to ask faculty to complete an assessment prior to doing a case together.

To complete the forms, follow one of the links below. Part 1 of each form (Resident & Case/Diagnosis details) can be completed by residents OR the evaluator; Part 2 of each form (Evaluator details & Assessment) MUST be completed by the evaluator ONLY. Evaluators should click SUBMIT once all fields have been filled out. The form is designed to be easy to use on any device (including mobile) and intended to facilitate direct, on-the-spot feedback. Residents may also choose to email the direct links below to faculty in order to request an evaluation for a specific procedure. Upon completion, both the evaluator and resident receive an email with the results of the evaluation. A copy is also emailed directly to the Education Office.

For any questions, concerns, or technical difficulties, please email Alexi Callen ([email protected]) right away. 


UCSF Technical Skills Assessment Form (TechSAF)


Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise (CEX) Form

Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise (CEX):

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